Could it be [POSSIBLE] that Yeshua rose from the Dead?; Is it even [PROBABLE?] : A Daily Swarm Moment
Many fail to consider whether or not they are "spiritually" fit.  We give consideration to the human body, the mind, finances, in terms of fitness.  But not often do humans consider, ask themselves; Am I in my best spiritual shape?  If more people knew the extent to which invisible reality, (the spiritual) life affects the physical life, the life that we interact with on a daily basis, I believe more attention would be given to the condition of ones spiritual self.  For some, this opens up a "Pandora's" box of sorts, one that they try to ignore and/or avoid.  We have been, trained and have become so used to, even content, with relating only to what we can see and feel.   Many do not even question themselves, regarding the possibility of their, even more real, SPIRIT SELF!  Proverbs 20:27 .,...don't just breathe, LIVE!  
Welcome to it!  I am blogging as an extended transmission  of my thoughts. Yes, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste."  I may  post Prophetic Words or dreams given to me, from our Creator and share prophetic content from other persons gifted to see, hear what God, may be saying.  This is not a general spiritual BLOG.  The concept here is based on my accepted belief as a fact; that God (Yah) is the overruling force of all creation, even among those who cannot, or have chosen to dis-believe in His existence. 10-6-21  2:45 pm,..don't just breathe, LIVE!  

When God, (Yah in Hebrew) "BLESSED" the Sabbath, He never removed that blessing; it remains today, a blessed day.  Because of Yeshua  (Jesus in America), those who receive salvation through faith in Him are not REQUIRED to keep Sabbath, as a law, as in the Old Testament, but the blessing of Sabbath, REMAINED.    You are still blessed, if you keep Sabbath!                                                                                                           -10-16-21   11:27am
So, scripture says, in Matthew 4:8, the devil took Yeshua, (Jesus) during His time of testing, in the wilderness up a high mountain and showed Yeshua ALL the kingdoms of the world: HEALTH, WEALTH, TERRITORIES, PEOPLE, EDUCATION, FOOD INDUSTRIES, GOVERNMENTS,  HUMANKIND, NATRUAL RESOURCES; what ever represents power then and NOW he showed the Son of God, in a moment of time. They time traveled in the spirit into the future of the world.  And Yeshua was offered control of the world, all systems, past and present and future.  Everything that is considered NOW wrong in the world and/or right in the world, is what the devil showed Yeshua in that moment and offered it to Him, for the seemingly simple price of bowing down to him, satan.  Yeshua declined the offer and chose the hard path; to die, fulfilling His destiny instead   He is now ruler, controller of EVERYTHING!  You can freely choose to join "the Yeshua" company and participate in making it right, until He returns to run His world-wide corporation Himself; Or NOT!    -10/28/21   2:19am; 
In my opinion, the opportunity to reconcile "truth" comes in two general forms: 1. Accept what presents itself as truth, regardless of the pain it causes, or 2. Ignore the truth regardless of the evidence that presents itself as irrefutable.  If you do the latter, absolute truth will come back again, but in a much more painful way than the first opportunity presented and many times, without regard to any person, place or thing standing in the way.  And then, you will be FORCED to accept that same truth through all the painful cost of ignoring it at the first  opportunity, as well as the price of accepting that same truth you sacrificed to overlook at the first.  11-16-21

Could it be [POSSIBLE] that Yeshua rose from the Dead?; Is it even [PROBABLE?]

by Shirley Broussard on 08/09/22

Historically time has moved from the first occurrence of Passover and the crucifixion, to the period of time when according to over 15 eye witnesses Yeshua/Jesus, rose from the dead, the [Resurrection].   And although older writings of history, compiled and called a Bible are as credible, if not more so, are available for anyone to read, even the blind, it is yet deemed unbelievable by many, that the occurrence of Yeshua dying and coming back from death to life, just is not possible.

Many believe that someone was paid to say he rose from the dead, that his disciples stole the body and hid it.   Well what about the eye witnesses, who left account of Jesus life on earth, death and uprising on record, we have it, it is called the "bible."   Why is it so easy to not believe the bible, but yet believe many other historical text; dead sea scrolls, the diary of Anne Frank, the host magazines and newsprint, the author's of the declarative writings that brought independence to America, many others; we were not eye witnesses to those events, yet we believe that those writings are a credible, accurate account of history past.  Was there really a ship called the Titanic; how does someone born in 2000 really justify believing the writings of those who say it did?  

I believe that the possibility that Yeshua rose from death, after three days is not only possible and probable, but it is a credible recount of history past.  Why do I believe this?  My explanation is simple; I have experienced the reality of some of what is written in biblical text in my own life and present day events are making Jesus death, and resurrection more believable everyday.   There are many companies and corporations who pay publicists and ad agencies to remake and represent their interest everyday; they are paid to just make up information and pass it off as reality and actual fact.  Given this daily occurrence, it is very easy for me to believe in the account Yeshua's disciples.  However, for me it comes down to one stated prayer, by Yeshua himself, recorded by his friend in John 17:20.  Here Yeshua prayed for those who would believe in Him, because of what the disciples recorded.  I too am one of those He prayed for.  I too believe, and an experiencing Him daily.