Services to those due to be born.           
                " You knew me before I was born",....  Psalm 139:16"
Coming Services: Support for the women carrying a person due to be born.  Free Transportation, Prenatal Resources,  Informed Pregnancy Nutrition, Spirit/Soul Care; Postpartum support Foster and Adoption, Extension Services.    Please check back with us in the coming months for the launching of this resource outreach.   At Swarm, we also believe that Life is Good.  We will assist the birth of lives.

​We welcome you to our informational page on services to those about to be born into the world.  We seek to do more than simply believe that life begins at conception; we also seek to assist in preparing for those destined to be born;  We want to assist the new life, before, during and after pregnancy; and their mothers.  You are invited to view the video below and hear the dramatization of a life cut short; cut short by a doctor who had taken an oath, had sworn to "first, do no harm." Please review, ponder; and if desired, contact Swarm for more information on our coming services to enhance "life."  Life is Good!  We will assist in preserving and sustaining those good Lives; at every stage of being!    -Genesis 1:26
​We will not engage in the contention of whether or not a woman can choose to have or not to have a child. We have decided to assist women who have chosen to give birth.

Have you or a person you may know decided to carry a baby and give birth to that baby?  We may be able to help if there is a need
in the future.

Email: /   562 726-3083
Send your tax deductable donations by Venmo @ SwarmGroup-SJB-1
and by Zelle @  [ receipts are issued annually ]